Pdf Lessons on How a Women Can Win Her Husband Based on 1 Peter 3

6. Living every bit Christian Husbands and Wives (i Peter 3:1-vii)

by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Audio (twenty:56)

erentius Neo, the baker, and his wife, from the atrium of a house in Pompeii (AD 55-79 AD), fresco on plaster, 58x52 cm. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italy.
Terentius Neo, the baker, and his wife, from the atrium of a house in Pompeii (AD 55-79 Advertizement), fresco on plaster, 58x52 cm. Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples, Italia.

Wedlock is one of the almost important human relationships. No wonder Peter spends a few sentences to assistance his readers with this sometimes difficult institution.

But Peter'south thoughts haven't been confined to marriage. He is very concerned about all kinds of relationships in lodge -- with the government, with masters and slaves, and with marriage. He knows that if Christians are perceived as societal rebels and radicals, their bulletin won't be heard and the Christian faith won't grow.

Submission to Husbands (3:1-ii)

In some Western cultures, to expect wives to exist submissive to their husbands isn't considered politically correct. But Peter's words seem pretty straightforward:

"Wives, in the same fashion be submissive to your husbands so that, if whatever of them practise not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the beliefs of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives." (3:1-ii)

When he says "in the same way" he is referring dorsum to his comments about submission to governments and to masters (2:13-20). "Be submissive," as we saw previously, is the Greek verb hypotassō (also in 2:thirteen and three:5), which, in the heart vocalization, means "to subject area oneself, to exist subservient, to submit voluntarily,"[137] and seems to include the idea of "obey."[138] I've heard people endeavour to contend that submission doesn't really mean "to submit," merely that'south very hard to sustain from either the New Testament or from Greek usage.

The key hither is voluntary submission. Peter isn't enervating obedience -- though obedience is involved with submission. He is asking for an mental attitude towards one'southward husband of voluntary submission, whether or not he is a Christian.[139]

How tin y'all submit to a husband who is not a Christian, you enquire? You can't submit to him spiritually, of form, unless he is submitted to Christ. Nor can you submit if he requires you to commit some sin, since your submission to Christ takes precedence over your submission to whatever human existence. But submission to your non-Christian husband, Peter makes clear, may be an important element of his conversion to Christianity. When he sees the reality of his wife'southward religion every bit it'south worked out through her life, it is a powerful testimony to him of the truth of the Christian message.

It'due south your beliefs,[140] Christian wives, that must convince him, not your words. You can't talk your husband into the kingdom. You must be willing to live out your Christianity earlier him. He must discover it in activity.[141] Then your words may exist superfluous. Think of your behavior equally in investment in your hubby's conservancy. "Won over" is the Greek verb kerdainō, which originally meant "to acquire by effort or investment, to gain." Hither it is used figuratively.[142]

Q1. (iii:1) Why is submission so difficult for u.s.a. humans? Does submission require you to exist silent when y'all don't agree or feel something tin can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian?

Inner Dazzler (iii:2-four)

What should a Christian wife strive for? Inner beauty.

"... When they run into the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided pilus and the wearing of aureate jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading dazzler of a gentle and tranquillity spirit, which is of neat worth in God's sight. (3:3-4)

"Beauty" (NIV), "adornment" (KJV) translate the Greek noun kosmos, "that which serves to beautify through decoration, adornment, adorning."[143] The English word "cosmetics" comes from the verb kosmeō, "adorn, decorate," found in verse 5.

The beauty that is important, Peter contends, isn't external. In spite of that, some women place a great deal of time on external beauty and very picayune on internal beauty. Of course, women are well aware that men are attracted by physical beauty. Every bit women historic period, however, concrete dazzler fades. Women who accept cultivated their inner life, their spiritual life, their inner beauty, are able to radiate a dazzler that lasts -- and is very bonny to both man and God (Proverbs 31:xxx).

Peter mentions three substitutes for inner dazzler:

  1. Fancy pilus styles. "Braiding" (NRSV, NIV) or "plaiting" (KJV) is the Greek substantive emplokē, "braiding, braid (fashionable or elaborate), braiding of hair."[144]
  2. Gold jewelry.
  3. "Fine clothes" (NIV, NRSV), "apparel" (KJV) is the Greek noun himation. It can exist used generally of any garment, "clothing, apparel."[145] Here it has the thought of gaining beauty by putting on fine habiliment.

Does this hateful that women should wear shabby clothing, unkempt hair, and no jewelry? I don't recollect so. If you were to accept this verse in that way, you would have to insist that women don't vesture any habiliment at all, since himation is the full general word for clothing. Good preparation is always advisable, since information technology reflects not simply on you, just on your husband, and on your God.

Q2. (3:iii) Why should women try to look their all-time? How tin trying to expect their best divert women from what is more important? What is the residual?

Peter is not making a Christian constabulary just a vital point. If y'all rely on outward dazzler to proceed your man, you're very short sighted. The inner dazzler won't fade[146] -- don't neglect it. It may even help you win your husband to Christ. The term "inner self" (NIV, NRSV) is a paraphrase of the KJV literal "hidden man of the eye," though the "man" is the Greek noun anthropos, "human beingness," non the specific word for the male person gender. The key idea here is expressed by the Greek adjective kryptos, "hidden, secret,"[147] that is, not visible on the exterior. What are the characteristics of the inner beauty of which Peter is speaking?

  • "Reverence" (NIV, NRSV), "fear" (KJV) translate the Greek noun phobos, here "reverence, respect."[148] The inner dazzler that God desires is respectful, non disrespectful towards her married man -- humble, not haughty.
  • "Purity" (NIV, NRSV), "celibate" (KJV) translate the Greek adjective hagnos, "pure, holy," a cultic word, originally an attribute of the divinity and everything belonging to it. So it is used of people, especially of women, "chaste, pure."[149] The inner beauty doesn't flirt with other men. It is faithful to 1's own husband in body and in heart. Other women in our culture may run effectually on their husbands, only the Christian wife keeps herself pure -- and her husband will come to recognize and capeesh that.
  • "Gentle" (NIV, NRSV), "meek" (KJV) translate the Greek noun praus, "pertaining to non existence overly impressed by a sense of one'southward self-importance, gentle, humble, considerate, meek, in the older favorable sense."[150] Perhaps we can see this quality of inner beauty best past looking at opposites -- strident, pushy, manipulative, selfish. The Christian woman with inner dazzler knows who she is in Christ and doesn't need to be someone she's not.
  • "Quiet" is the Greek describing word hēsychios, "quiet, well ordered," from the substantive meaning "a state of quietness without disturbance, quietness, remainder."[151] The woman who has inner dazzler is at peace with herself and it shows in her actions and attitudes. This doesn't mean that she doesn't speak unless spoken to. It ways rather that her speaking flows from a spirit that trusts in God and is secure in His love.

How do yous come by this kind of character? The aforementioned way equally all Christians -- male and female -- from yielding regularly to the Spirit of God and letting that Spirit reign in your life. From the constant presence of the Holy Spirit come up his fruits -- dear, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and cocky-command (Galatians 5:22-23).

Not only your married man will notice your character -- God notices likewise. Peter says that to God this inner beauty is of "great worth" (NIV), "peachy price" (KJV), "very precious" (NRSV). The Greek adjective polytelēs means "pertaining to being of great value or worth, unremarkably of relatively loftier degree on a budgetary calibration, (very) expensive, plush."[152] Y'all've met women -- and men -- who look stunning just when you go to know them you notice they have no substance, no integrity, no character. God looks on your middle and smiles in enjoyment of your grapheme which he values so highly. And when a discerning husband catches a glimpse of your heart, you'll catch and keep him, too. And hopefully, win him to Christ because he sees in you lot something worth having.

Sarah's Daughters (three:5-six)

At present Peter appeals to Sarah, the mother of State of israel, though we don't have much record in the Bible of just how she submitted to Abraham.

"For this is the way the holy women of the by who put their hope in God used to make themselves cute. They were submissive to their own husbands like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if y'all do what is right and exercise not give mode to fear." (three:5-six)

Discover four more keywords from these verses that assistance you see the graphic symbol that God prizes:

  • Faith. "Put their hope" (NIV, NRSV), "trusted" (KJV) is the Greek verb elpizō, "to wait forward to something, with implication of confidence about something coming to pass, promise, promise for, put one's confidence in someone or something."[153] A holy woman believes in the promises of God and these promises transform her (2 Peter one:four).
  • Obedience. "Obeyed" is the Greek verb hypakouō, "to follow instructions, obey, follow, exist bailiwick to."[154] While hypotassō emphasizes voluntarily subjecting oneself to some other, hypakouō emphasizes obedience. All of us -- men and women -- have relationships in which nosotros are to be obedient. Those who haven't learned obedience in human relationships have a very hard fourth dimension learning obedience to God.
  • Righteousness. "Do what is right" (NIV), "do what is expert" (NRSV) is the Greek verb agathopoieō, "to meet a loftier level of exemplary conduct, do what is right, be a good citizen."[155] A woman of God lives an upright life and blesses those around her (Proverbs 31:ten-31).
  • Courage. "Give manner to fear" (NIV), "allow fears alarm you" (NRSV), "are afraid with whatsoever anaesthesia" (KJV) interpret two words. The showtime is phobeō, "fearfulness," which nosotros've seen earlier.[156] Just here, phobeō is combined with the with the Greek substantive ptoēsis, the "feel of being intimidated, fear, terror."[157] God has no intention for his daughters to alive lives of fear and terror nether the pollex of tyrannical husbands. Rather, his daughters are fearless, courageous, and rising above a reign of terror. They are not intimidated. They live upright lives because of their character rather than out of fear. This doesn't mean that Christian wives have information technology easy. Not at all. Merely they can discover in God the strength they demand to alive with joy, righteousness, purity, faith, and courage no matter what the circumstances.[158]

Q3. (3:four-6) How does a person cultivate inner dazzler? How does one gain graphic symbol? Why is truthful graphic symbol so important and precious to God? How can grapheme aid a Christian woman win and hang onto her hubby?
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Husbands Be Considerate (three:7a)

We've talked and so far about Christian wives. Perhaps Peter spends more time here because of the item challenges Christian women had in trying to win their husbands to Christ -- surely non because the women had less spiritual maturity than the men. But now he speaks directly to husbands:

"Husbands, in the same style be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect every bit the weaker partner and every bit heirs with you of the gracious souvenir of life, then that nothing volition hinder your prayers." (3:vii)

Peter calls men to two virtues:

  • Wisdom. "Be considerate" (NIV, NRSV), "in an understanding manner" (NASB), "according to noesis" (KJV) translate the prepositional phrase kata gnōsis, literally "co-ordinate to noesis," "knowledgeably," that is, "in awareness of female vulnerability and mutual Christian promise," "with understanding."[159] Some husbands seem clueless with regard to their wife'due south needs. Peter calls Christian husbands to grow up and prove some smarts as they live with their wives.
  • Respect. "Treat with respect" (NIV), "giving honor" (KJV), "paying accolade" (NRSV) translate two Greek words. The verb is aponemō, "assign, show, pay."[160] The noun is timē. The root thought is "worth, evaluation, laurels."[161] Here it means "award, respect."[162]

The reasons Peter gives are two-fold: (1) women are weaker and (2) women are equal spiritually:

  • Weaker. Peter describes a wife here in terms that aren't politically correct. He calls adult female[163] the weaker vessel.[164] I'one thousand sure he is speaking of physical weakness, perhaps vulnerability to assault, or shorter lifespan.[165] At any rate, this weaker condition is to be the occasion of respect, not bullying.
  • Equal. Instead of being taken advantage of or looked down on, women are to be respected every bit equal to men in terms of their continuing before God and promises for the time to come. "Joint heirs" (RSV), "heirs with you lot" (NIV), "heirs together" (KJV) translate the Greek compound adjective, syngklēronomos, "inheriting together with," by and large equally a noun, "co-heir."[166] This may take been a radical thought in Peter'due south twenty-four hour period, but he learned this kind of respect at the feet of Jesus, who treated women with a slap-up deal of respect and honor.

Q4. (three:vii) Why should a husband relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom? In what manner does this demonstrate love? In what way does this demonstrate self-interest? Why do men sometimes try to dominate their wives? Why exercise wives sometimes endeavor to dominate their husbands? What harm does this exercise? How is domination of another person opposite to God's nature?

That Nix Hinder Your Prayers (3:7b)

Finally, Peter reminds husbands that they are accountable to God. God volition judge them if they misbehave.

"... So that nothing volition hinder your prayers." (3:7b)

"Hinder" is the Greek verb engkoptō, "to make progress ho-hum or hard, hinder, thwart."[167] If Christian men care for their wives wrongly, Peter is saying, their prayers endure, probably for 2 reasons. First, men who are selfish and overbearing are unlikely to exist the kind of people who spend much time in prayer. But even more, God doesn't listen to the prayers of hypocrites and sinners.[168] Many Christian husbands maintain a respectful appearance at church, but at abode sin terribly against their wives and children, in anger, injustice, selfishness, and worse. Peter is saying here: Husbands, you lot tin can't hide from God.

Q5. (3:7) How can treating one's wife wrongly hinder a husband'south prayers? How can treating a hubby wrongly hinder a wife'southward prayers?

The Character Inspired by the Holy Spirit

As I consider the character traits that Peter urges on wives and husbands I meet a convergence. Consider these traits. None is exclusively male or female. They may manifest themselves differently according to culture or gender, only they are graphic symbol qualities that God wants to work in all of us -- godly virtues.

  • Reverence and respect for authority: Romans 13:7; Ephesians half dozen:5; one Peter 2:17-eighteen; iii:fifteen; and showing award: Romans 12:x; 13:vii; 1 Timothy 6:1
  • Purity: Matthew 5:8; 2 Corinthians six:six; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 4:12; five:2; 2 Timothy 2:22
  • Gentleness: Matthew v:five; 11:29; 2 Corinthians 10:1; Galatians v:23; six:1; Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:12; ane Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:25; Titus 3:two; James 1:21; 3:13; ane Peter iii:15
  • Quietness: 1 Thessalonians 4:11; 2 Thessalonians iii:12; 1 Timothy 2:2, 11
  • Organized religion: Galatians 5:22-23; Colossians 1:23; ii:5, 7; 1 Thessalonians 3:2; 5:8; 2 Thessalonians 1:3; i Timothy 4:12; 6:11; 2 Peter 1:five; and many others.
  • Obedience: Romans ane:5; 15:18; 16:19, 26; Ephesians 6:1, v; Philippians 2:12; Colossians 3:20, 22; ii Thessalonians 1:viii; 3:14; Titus 3:ane; Philemon 21; Hebrews v:8-nine; 13:17; ane Peter 1:xiv, 22; 4:17; one John 2:3-5; iii:22, 24; five:3; Revelation 3:three
  • Righteousness: Matthew v:vi; Acts 24:25; Romans six:13, 18; 14:17; ii Corinthians 6:14; Ephesians 4:24; v:9; Philippians 1:11; 1 Thessalonians two:x; i Timothy 4:7; 6:eleven; 2 Timothy two:22; three:sixteen; Titus 2:12; Hebrews 12:eleven; James 1:20; iii:thirteen, xviii; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Peter iii:xi; 1 John 3:7
  • Backbone: Acts iv:13; 23:11; 1 Corinthians 16:13; Philippians 1:14, 20
  • Wisdom: 1 Corinthians 6:five; Ephesians i:8, 17; five:15; Colossians i:9, 28; 3:16; iv:5; James 1:five; 3:13, 17.


Father, the more I meditate on this, the more I meet that the deeper my character is the better my marriage will be. Forgive me for my selfishness and attempts to boss. Piece of work in me to showroom the fruit of your Spirit both inside of me and in the way I chronicle in my union. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Key Verses

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided pilus and the wearing of gilt jewelry and fine dress. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." (1 Peter 3:iii-4)

"Husbands, in the same manner be considerate as you alive with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, and so that zilch volition hinder your prayers." (i Peter 3:7)

End Notes

[137] Gerhard Delling, hypotassō, TDNT 7:27-48.

[138] Hypotassō, BDAG 1042. Grudem argues that the tendency for some to translate hypotassō as "exist thoughtful and considerate; human activity in honey (toward one another)" can't be sustained, since hypotassō always implies a relationship of submission to an authority. He believes that Ephesians 5:21 ("be subject to i another") has been over translated to imply that submission must exist completely reciprocal, though the context of Ephesians five:21-6:3 doesn't bear it out (Grudem, p. 136, note 1).

[139] "Do not believe" (NIV) and "practise not obey" (NRSV, KJV) is the Greek verb apeitheō, "disobey, be disobedient," in the New Testament this disobedience is always toward God, God'south ordinances or revelation (BDAG 99).

[140] "Behavior" (NIV), "carry" (NRSV), and "conversation" (KJV) interpret the Greek noun anastraphē here and in verse 2. It means "conduct expressed co-ordinate to sure principles, style of life, conduct, behavior" (BDAG 73).

[141] "See" (NIV, NRSV) and "behold" (KJV) is the Greek verb epopteuō, "to pay close attending to, watch, discover, see" (BDAG 387).

[142] Kerdainō, BDAG 541.

[143] Kosmos, BDAG 561-562.

[144] Emplokē, BDAG 324.

[145] Himation. BDAG 475.

[146] "Unfading" (NIV), "lasting" (NRSV), "not corruptible" (KJV) is the Greek adjective aphthartos, "pertaining to imperviousness to corruption and death, imperishable, incorruptible, immortal" (BDAG 155-156)

[147] Kryptos, BDAG 571.

[148] Phobos, BDAG 1062.

[149] Hagnos, BDAG 13.

[150] Praus, BDAG 861.

[151] Hēsychios, BDAG 440.

[152] Polytelēs, BDAG 850.

[153] Elpizō, BDAG 319.

[154] Hypakouō, BDAG 1028-1029.

[155] Agathopoieō, BDAG 3.

[156] Phobeō oftentimes it means "reverence, respect," only here it probably means "to exist in an humble state, be afraid, fright someone" (BDAG 1060-1062).

[157] Ptoēsis, BDAG 895.

[158] I don't mean to imply that Christian women should endanger themselves or their children. Life, especially with a non-Christian spouse is not neat, nor is it ever pretty. And God has grace to cover us.

[159] Gnōsis, BDAG 203-204.

[160] Aponemō, BADG 97.

[161] J. Schneider, timaō, TDNT viii:169-180.

[162] Timē, BADG 1005.

[163] "Wife" (KJV) or "woman" (NRSV) is a rare Greek adjective gynaikeios, which means "feminine," a paraphrasis for "woman, wife" (BDAG 168).

[164] "Partner" (NIV), "sex" (NRSV), and "vessel" (KJV) translate the Greek noun skeuos, which can refer in general to a thing or object, to a container, or to a human exercising a role, "musical instrument, vessel." The adult female is non peculiarly though of as a container, since the discussion seems to be used of men as well (Acts 9:fifteen; 2 Corinthians 4:7; Romans 9:22; i Thessalonians four:4; BDAG 927-928).

[165] These days in America, women alive on average eight years longer than men. Women are certainly stronger than men in some ways. But in Bible days women had it crude. The dangers of childbearing and lack of medical assist meant that the average lifespan of a adult female was less than a man.

[166] Syngklēronomos, BDAG 952. "Gracious gift" (NIV, NRSV) and "grace" (KJV) is the Greek noun charis, "grace," which sometimes indicates a "practical application of goodwill, (a sign of) favor, gracious deed/gift, benefaction" (BDAG 1079-1081). "Life" is zōē, here referring to eternal life.

[167] Engkoptō, BDAG 274.

[168] John ix:31; Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 15:29; 21:13; 28:9; Isaiah 1:xv; Micah iii:4; Zechariah 7:thirteen.

Copyright © 2022, Ralph F. Wilson. <pastor@joyfulheart.com> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. Run across legal, copyright, and reprint data.


Source: http://www.jesuswalk.com/1peter/6_spouses.htm

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